Becoming a private member with Majesty Spa, you can discover an exclusive privilege of unlimited treatment. Join our membership today, helping you and your loved ones to save up to 40% for a 1 year period. Select one of our membership options levels and join now.
Platinum Member
40,500 baht
An exclusive VIP Privilege that entitles you and someone special to enjoy unlimited 40% discount for all treatments for 1 year
Gold Member
20,400 baht
An exclusive VIP Privilege Privilege that entitles you and someone special to enjoy unlimited 30% discount for all treatment for 1 year
Silver Member
10,300 baht
An exclusive Privilege that entitles you and someone special to enjoy unlimited 20% discount for all treatments for 1 year
*The membership subscription is an annual fee and is non-refundable once membership has been activated.